
Selasa, 03 Juni 2014

of Sacha Stevenson and her apparent 'whiteknights'...

I've been following this whole "Agama Jualan" thing since it was first posted (thank you to @TanpaJIL!), although admittedly, I didn't watch until the end due to being grossed out by it. Well, for you guys who haven't seen it, it's basically Sacha Stevenson (a Canadian Youtuber Comedian, who likes to make videos based off of Indonesia's stereotypes) making fun of Islam and Shalat.

Apparently, Sacha had said that the intended meaning of her video was that "politicians in Indonesia often use religion as a tool of the trade" a.k.a using religion for their own benefit, as "religion = business" to them. You know, since it's only a while before the elections.

Well, that's probably a-ok. Yeah, sure, Indonesia's politicians aren't really the brightest bunch.

The problem here? She blatantly degraded and disrespected Islam. For example, she deliberately changed prayers to a shampoo commercial's, amongst other things. This, of course, spurred a nation-wide outrage, but of course, if there are 'opposition', there must be the 'whiteknights', because is there any celeb who doesn't have blind fans?

Since I have a free time and her whiteknights have given me so many laughs, I'll present to you: Comments from the Whiteknights, the Best of the Best!

(this was posted in her apology vid because the original video got taken down real quick.)